Finally, the date of when OSN was going to held was told. Me and some of my friends were shock, because it was told at 29th of April 2011 and the OSN was at today, 30th of April 2011. But well, buat aku sendiri sih tidak masalah, karena pada akhirnya aku tau aku nggak akan belajar..

Bahan bio yang PASTINYA dari kelas X, XI, dan XII itu bener-bener menyiksa. There's no waaaay I could memorized all of the biological things only in one day.. Last night, all that I do was watching TV and tweeting.. :))

ANNNDDD.. Hasilnya ya beginilah, soal OSN susaaaaaaaaaaaahh, banyak banget penerapan-penerapan yang harus kudu musti (#lebaayy) dimengerti teori awalnya, dan unpredictable bgt..

But still, thanks to my friends who have give me support and pray for me..

I don't think I'm going to pass the test, but God has His own way for me.. :))
One of the most important history of the world isssss : THE ROYAL WEDDING
Something that very rare to happen, because royal wedding only happen in between 20-30 years..

This time, the Royal Wedding was soooo special.. Why? Because it's Prince William's Wedding.. Awww, he is so charming handsome kind sweet (unfortunately he is half-bald already). He was marrying a commoners, which is his close friend, named Kate Middleton.
Just want to give you some info. A royal wedding is a ceremony involving members of a royal family. Weddings involving senior members of the royal family are often seen as important occasions of state and attract significant national and international attention. Many of the royal wedding was held in Westminster Abbey.

As millions around the world watched the start of the wedding, the one thing everybody had been eager to see is Kate Middleton's wedding dress.

As the cameras watched, a slight glimpse of Kate, when she walked between the tent set up outside of the Goring Hotel and before she got into the Rolls Royce was visible. But the only details that we could see then were that she had a veil to cover her face and that her hair was down. But as she and her father made their way through the procession to Westminster Abbey, we started to see more details of her now famous dress, which was designed as many speculated, by Sarah Burton.

For me, the dress was just simple, but it's very elegant, pictures Kate so much.

In my opinion, William and Kate are fit each other, I think they are going to have a long last marriage.. <3
so, here's the link if you want to watch the Royal Wedding : click here

Kita sering mengira bahwa serangga hanya dapat melukai diri kita dengan gigitannya yang tak memiliki tingkat berbahaya namun apakah kita tahu bahwa gigitan serangga ada yang memiliki racun yang sangat berbahaya. Inilah 10 serangga yang memiliki racun atau yang lebih spesifiknya lagi serangga yang paling beracun di dunia.

10. Fire Ants

Fire ant menyebakan paling banyak gigitan dan kematian di antara jenis semut lainnya. Sekitar 20 kematian di dunia sengatan nya menyebabkan kita merasa seperti kena bakar, pembengkakan yg sakit dan bisa mati kalo ada reaksi alergi. Ditemukan di Asia, Amerika, Eropa.



Killerbee adalah serangga yg paling banyak membunuh nomor 2 (nomor 1 nya nyamuk). Sekitar 600 kematian pertahun di dunia. Kalo di USA nya sendiri, 100 orang mati. Lebah paling AGRESIF jika di sengat, terjadi pembengkakan yg sakit, bisa mati karena reaksi alergi dan mungkin sesak napas. Di temukan di Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan

8.Yellow Jacket

Tawon jenis ini adalah yang paling AGRESIF. Menyebabkan kasus gigitan paling banyak di antara tawon. Jika di sengat menyebabkan, kemerah-merahan, gatal-gatal, pembengkakan di kulit yg menyakitkan, bisa mati karena reaksi alergi. Di temukan di Amerika Utara


Kelabang paling berbisa diantara species kelabang yg lain. Jika di sengat, bisa gatal-gatal, pembengkakan dan reaksi alergi, gagal ginjal, perhentian jantung bisa terjadi dan menyebabkan kematian. Di temukan di Amerika Selatan

6.Western Honeybee


Lebah paling BERBISA, tapi kurang agresif dan jarang menyeran di bandingkan dengan Africanized Honeybee (killerbee) jika di sengat. Gatal-gatal, bengkak, kemerah-merahan, mati jika ada reaksi alergi di temukan di Eropa.

5.Paper Wasp


Tawon paling BERBISA dan menyebabkan kematian paling banyak di antara tawon yang lain. Sekitar 30 kematian di dunia. Jika di sengat reaksinya adalah kemerah-merahan, gatal-gatal, bengkak, bisa juga kena diare, panas, kejang-kejang, gagal ginjal. Bisa mati jika alergi. Di temukan di Amerika Utara, Eropa.

4.Giant Japanese Hornet


Serangga bersayap paling BERBISA. Menyuntikkan racun paling banyak dalam satu sengat-an. Jika di sengat reaksinya adalah pembengkakan yg luar biasa sakitnya di kulit dan bisa nge-Dissolve kulit manusia. Bisa mati karena reaksi alergi. Karena efek racun, bisa menyebabkan kegagalan pernapasan. Di temukan di Jepang, Korea, China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, India.

3.Red Harvester


Salah satu semut paling BERBISA, tapi kurang agresif dibandingkan Fire Ants. Hanya pernah di temukan di USA. Jika di sengat akan terjadi pembengkakan yang sangat sakit di kulit. Bisa mati karena reaksi alergi.

2.Lonomia Caterpillar


Ulat paling BERBISA di dunia dan serangga paling BERBISA di dunia nomor 2. Jika di Sengat akan gatal-gatal jika di pegang, pembengkakan yang menyakitkan, muntah-muntah dan demam. Bisa juga pendarahan termasuk pendarahan otak dan gagal ginjal. Bisa mati karena Pendarahan yg besar. Di temukan di Amerika Selatan.

1.Yellow Harvester Ant


Nama lainnya adalah Maricopa Harvester Ant. Yup, kecil dan keliatan-nya tak berbahaya. Tapi ini serangga paling BERBISA. Dengan test LD50 nya yg paling rendah. Hanya di temukan di Arizona dan USA. Jika di gigit reaksinya adalah pembengkakan yang sangat sakit. Bisa mati jika ada reaksi alergi. 1 sengat-an bisa membunuh tikus dengan berat 2kg.

Dog, is a cute sweet adorable animal which people love the most. I love dogs sooo much, so now I want to tell you a view fun facts about dogs..

  1. All dogs can be traced back 40 million years ago to a weasel-like animal called the Miacis which dwelled in trees and dens. The Miacis later evolved into the Tomarctus, a direct forbear of the genus Canis, which includes the wolf and jackal as well as the dog.
  2. Ancient Egyptians revered their dogs. When a pet dog would die, the owners shaved off their eyebrows, smeared mud in their hair, and mourned aloud for days.
  3. Small quantities of grapes and raisins can cause renal failure in dogs. Chocolate, macadamia nuts, cooked onions, or anything with caffeine can also be harmful.
  4. Apple and pear seeds contain arsenic, which may be deadly to dogs.
  5. Rock star Ozzy Osborne saved his wife Sharon’s Pomeranian from a coyote by tackling and wresting the coyote until it released the dog.

  1. Dogs have sweat glands in between their paws.
  2. In 2003, Dr. Roger Mugford invented the “wagometer,” a device that claims to interpret a dog’s exact mood by measuring the wag of its tail.
  3. Dogs have three eyelids. The third lid, called a nictitating membrane or “haw,” keeps the eye lubricated and protected.
  4. A dog’s shoulder blades are unattached to the rest of the skeleton to allow greater flexibility for running.
  5. Puppies are sometimes rejected by their mother if they are born by cesarean and cleaned up before being given back to her.
  6. The phrase “raining cats and dogs” originated in seventeenth-century England. During heavy rainstorms, many homeless animals would drown and float down the streets, giving the appearance that it had actually rained cats and dogs.
  7. During the Middle Ages, Great Danes and Mastiffs were sometimes suited with armor and spiked collars to enter a battle or to defend supply caravans.
  8. Pekingese and Japanese Chins were so important in the ancient Far East that they had their own servants and were carried around trade routes as gifts for kings and emperors. Pekingese were even worshipped in the temples of China for centuries.

  1. The shape of a dog’s face suggests how long it will live. Dogs with sharp, pointed faces that look more like wolves typically live longer. Dogs with very flat faces, such as bulldogs, often have shorter lives.
  2. After the fall of Rome, human survival often became more important than breeding and training dogs. Legends of werewolves emerged during this time as abandoned dogs traveling in packs commonly roamed streets and terrified villagers.
  3. During the Middle Ages, mixed breeds of peasants’ dogs were required to wear blocks around their necks to keep them from breeding with noble hunting dogs. Purebred dogs were very expensive and hunting became the province of the rich.
  4. The most dogs ever owned by one person were 5,000 Mastiffs owned by Kubla Khan.
  5. The American Kennel Club, the most influential dog club in the United States, was founded in 1884.
  6. The most popular male dog names are Max and Jake. The most popular female dog names are Maggie and Molly.
  7. Scholars have argued over the metaphysical interpretation of Dorothy’s pooch, Toto, in the Wizard of Oz. One theory postulates that Toto represents Anubis, the dog-headed Egyptian god of death, because Toto consistently keeps Dorothy from safely returning home.
  8. Weird dog laws include allowing police offers in Palding, Ohio, to bite a dog to quiet it. In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit.d
  9. The first dog chapel was established in 2001. It was built in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, by Stephan Huneck, a children’s book author whose five dogs helped him recuperate from a serious illness.
  10. Those born under the sign of the dog in Chinese astrology are considered to be loyal and discreet, though slightly temperamental.
  11. In Iran, it is against the law to own a dog as a pet. However, if an owner can prove the dog is a guard or hunting dog, this restriction doesn’t apply. Muslim reticence concerning dogs is perhaps due to the fact that rabies has always been endemic in the Middle East.
  12. The Mayans and Aztecs symbolized every tenth day with the dog, and those born under this sign were believed to have outstanding leadership skills.
  13. The ancient Mbaya Indians of the Gran Chaco in South America believed that humans originally lived underground until dogs dug them up.

  1. Plato once said that “a dog has the soul of a philosopher.”
  2. French poodles did not originate in France but in Germany (“poodle” comes from the German pudel or pudelhund, meaning “splashing dog”). Some scholars speculate the poodle’s puffs of hair evolved when hunters shaved the poodle for more efficient swimming, while leaving the pom-poms around the major joints to keep them warm.
  3. The name of the dog on the Cracker Jacks box is Bingo. The Taco Bell Chihuahua is a rescued dog named Gidget.
  4. The first dogs were self-domesticated wolves which, at least 12,000 years ago, became attracted to the first sites of permanent human habitation.
  5. Dachshunds were bred to fight badgers in their dens.
  6. Laiki, a Russian stray, was the first living mammal to orbit the Earth, in the Soviet Sputnik spacecraft in 1957. Though she died in space, her daughter Pushnika had four puppies with President John F. Kennedy’s terrier, Charlie.
  7. Dalmatians are completely white at birth.
  8. The term “dog days of summer” was coined by the ancient Greeks and Romans to describe the hottest days of summer that coincided with the rising of the Dog Star, Sirius.
  9. Alexander the Great is said to have founded and named a city Peritas, in memory of his dog.
  10. In ancient Greece, kennels of dogs were kept at the sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus. Dogs were frequently sacrificed there because they were plentiful, inexpensive, and easy to control. During the July 25 celebration of the kunophontis (“the massacre of dogs”), dog sacrifices were performed to appease the ancestors of Apollo’s son, Linos, who was devoured by dogs.
  11. Dog trainers in ancient China were held in high esteem. A great deal of dog domestication also took place in China, especially dwarfing and miniaturization.
  12. The ancient religion Zoroastrianism includes in its religious text titled the Zend Avesta a section devoted to the care and breeding of dogs.
  13. The earliest European images of dogs are found in cave paintings dating back 12,000 years ago in Spain.
  14. The dog was frequently depicted in Greek art, including Cerberus, the three-headed hound guarding the entrance to the underworld, and the hunting dogs which accompanied the virgin goddess of the chase, Diana.
  15. During the Renaissance, detailed portraits of the dog as a symbol of fidelity and loyalty appeared in mythological, allegorical, and religious art throughout Europe, including works by Leonardo da Vinci, Diego Velázquez, Jan van Eyck, and Albrecht Durer.
  16. A puppy is born blind, deaf, and toothless.

  1. The Basenji is the world’s only barkless dog.
  2. A dog most likely interprets a smiling person as baring their teeth, which is an act of aggression.
  3. The origin of amputating a dog’s tail may go back to the Roman writer Lucius Columella’s (A.D. 4-70) assertion that tail docking prevented rabies.d
  4. One of Shakespeare’s most mischievous characters is Crab, the dog belonging to Launce in the Two Gentlemen of Verona. The word “watchdog” is first found in The Tempest.
  5. President Franklin Roosevelt created a minor international incident when he claimed he sent a destroyer to the Aleutian Islands just to pick up his Scottish Terrier, Fala, who had been left behind.
  6. Within hours of the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center, specially trained dogs were on the scene, including German Shepherds, Labs, and even a few little Dachshunds.
  7. It costs approximately $10,000 to train a federally certified search and rescue dog.
  8. The smallest dog on record was a matchbox-size Yorkshire Terrier. It was 2.5" tall at the shoulder, 3.5" from nose tip to tail, and weighed only 4 ounces.
  9. Hollywood’s first and arguably best canine superstar was Rin Tin Tin, a five-day-old German Shepherd found wounded in battle in WWI France and adopted by an American soldier, Lee Duncan. He would sign his own contracts with his paw print.
  10. At the end of WWI, the German government trained the first guide dogs for war-blinded soldiers.
  11. A dog can locate the source of a sound in 1/600 of a second and can hear sounds four times farther away than a human can.
  12. Touch is the first sense the dog develops. The entire body, including the paws, is covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings.
  13. Eighteen muscles or more can move a dog’s ear.
  14. The names of 77 ancient Egyptian dogs have been recorded. The names refer to color and character, such as Blackie, Ebony, Good Herdsman, Reliable, and Brave One.
  15. In Egypt, a person bitten by a rabid dog was encouraged to eat the roasted liver of a dog infected with rabies to avoid contracting the disease. The tooth of a dog infected with rabies would also be put in a band tied to the arm of the person bitten. The menstrual blood of a female dog was used for hair removal, while dog genitals were used for preventing the whitening of hair.
  16. In early Christian tradition, Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers, is sometimes depicted with a dog’s head.
  17. The oldest known dog bones were found in Asia and date as far back as 10,000 B.C. The first identifiable dog breed appeared about 9000 B.C. and was probably a type of Greyhound dog used for hunting.
  18. There are an estimated 400 million dogs in the world.
  19. The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world. France has the second highest.

  1. Dog nose prints are as unique as human finger prints and can be used to identify them.
  2. Bloodhound dogs have a keen sense of smell and have been used since the Middle Ages to track criminals.
  3. It is much easier for dogs to learn spoken commands if they are given in conjunction with hand signals or gestures.
  4. Dogs in a pack are more likely to chase and hunt than a single dog on its own. Two dogs are enough to form a pack.
  5. Dogs can see in color, though they most likely see colors similar to a color-blind human. They can see better when the light is low.

  1. Petting dogs is proven to lower blood pressure of dog owners.
  2. Dogs have lived with humans for over 14,000 years. Cats have lived with people for only 7,000 years.
  3. Zorba, an English mastiff, is the biggest dog ever recorded. He weighed 343 pounds and measured 8' 3" from his nose to his tail.
  4. The average dog can run about 19 mph. Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on Earth and can run at speeds of 45 mph.
  5. One female dog and her female children could produce 4,372 puppies in seven years.
  6. The most popular dog breed in Canada, U.S., and Great Britain is the Labrador retriever.
  7. Greyhounds appear to be the most ancient dog breed. “Greyhound” comes from a mistake in translating the early German name Greishund, which means “old (or ancient) dog,” not from the color gray.
  8. The oldest dog on record was an Australian cattle dog named Bluey who lived 29 years and 5 months. In human years, that is more than 160 years old.
  9. Most experts believe humans domesticated dogs before donkeys, horses, sheep, goats, cattle, cats, or chickens.
  10. A person standing still 300 yards away is almost invisible to a dog. But a dog can easily identify its owner standing a mile away if the owner is waving his arms.
  11. Dogs with big, square heads and large ears (like the Saint Bernard) are the best at hearing subsonic sounds.
  12. Dogs can smell about 1,000 times better than humans. While humans have 5 million smell-detecting cells, dogs have more than 220 million. The part of the brain that interprets smell is also four times larger in dogs than in humans.

  1. Some dogs can smell dead bodies under water, where termites are hiding, and natural gas buried under 40 feet of dirt. They can even detect cancer that is too small to be detected by a doctor and can find lung cancer by sniffing a person’s breath.
  2. Dogs have a wet nose to collect more of the tiny droplets of smelling chemicals in the air.i
  3. Dogs like sweets a lot more than cats do. While cats have around only 473 taste buds, dogs have about 1,700 taste buds. Humans have approximately 9,000.
  4. Different smells in the a dog’s urine can tell other dogs whether the dog leaving the message is female or male, old or young, sick or healthy, happy or angry.
  5. Male dogs will raise their legs while urinating to aim higher on a tree or lamppost because they want to leave a message that they are tall and intimidating. Some wild dogs in Africa try to run up tree trunks while they are urinating to appear to be very large.
  6. In Croatia, scientists discovered that lampposts were falling down because a chemical in the urine of male dogs was rotting the metal.a
  7. Dogs are about as smart as a two- or three-year-old child. This means they can understand about 150-200 words, including signals and hand movements with the same meaning as words.
  8. Countess Karlotta Libenstein of Germany left approximately $106 million to her Alsatin, Gunther III, when she died in 1992.
  9. A lost Dachshund was found swallowed whole in the stomach of a giant catfish in Berlin on July 2003.
  10. In Australia, a man who was arrested for drug possession argued his civil rights were violated when the drug-sniffing dog nuzzled his crotch. While the judge dismissed the charges, they were later reinstated when a prosecutor pointed out that in the animal kingdom, crotch nuzzling was a friendly gesture.
  11. The Beagle came into prominence in the 1300s and 1400s during the days of King Henry VII of England. Elizabeth I was fond of Pocket Beagles, which were only 9" high.

  1. The best dog to reportedly attract a date is the Golden Retriever. The worst is the Pit Bull.
  2. The Akita is one of the most challenging dogs to own. Some insurance companies have even characterized it as the #1 “bad dog” and may even raise an Akita owner’s homeowner insurance costs.
  3. The Beagle and Collie are the nosiest dogs, while the Akbash Dog and the Basenji are the quietest.
  4. One survey reports that 33% of dog owners admit they talk to their dogs on the phone or leave messages on answering machines while they are away..
  5. Thirty percent of all Dalmatians are deaf in one or both ears. Because bulldogs have extremely short muzzles, many spend their lives fighting suffocation. Because Chihuahuas have such small skulls, the flow of spinal fluid can be restricted, causing hydrocephalus, a swelling of the brain.

  1. The grief suffered after a pet dog dies can be the same as that experienced after the death of a person.
  2. There are almost 5 million dog bites per year; children are the main victims. Dog bites cause losses of over $1 billion a year.
  3. A person should never kick a dog facing him or her. Some dogs can bite 10 times before a human can respond.
  4. The most intelligent dogs are reportedly the Border Collie and the Poodle, while the least intelligent dogs are the Afghan Hound and the Basenji.
  5. One kind of Pekingese is referred to as a “sleeve” because it was bred to fit into a Chinese empress’ sleeves, which was how it was often carried around.

Chocolate is one of the most popular and yummiest types of foods that will likely stay at the top of most peoples favorite food lists. Chocolate is something most of us have grown up enjoying, but very few of us have taken the time to learn the many facts that are associated with Chocolate. There are actually hundreds of facts that are associated with Chocolate and I have created a list of the ones that I find most interesting. If you want to know the nutritional values in the different types of chocolate, check out these chocolate nutrition facts. 

1. It is a known fact that chocolate has caffeine in it. But did you know that you would have to eat more then a dozen chocolate bars to get the same amount of caffeine from a cup of coffee? There are about 5 to 10 mg's of caffeine in one ounce of bitter chocolate, 5 mgs in milk chocolate, and 10mgs in a six-ounce cup of cocoa. 

2. Chocolate is actually a valuable energy source. A single chocolate chip can provide enough energy for an adult human to walk 150 ft. 

3. Chocolate has great health benefits. It helps with depression, high blood pressure, Tumors and Pre-menstrual syndromes. 

4. Chocolate does not cause or aggravate acne, this is a myth. 

5. One ounce of baking chocolate or cocoa contains 10% of the daily recommended intake of iron. 

6. Chocolate can be deadly for dogs. Chocolate contains an ingredient called "Theobromine" which can be toxic to a dogs central nervous system and cardiac muscles.

7. People spend more than $7 billion dollars a year on chocolate. 

8. The per capita consumption of chocolate indicates that each person consumes 12 pounds of chocolate each year. 

9. Milk Chocolate is the most preferred type of chocolate, however dark chocolate is especially popular among men. 

10. In Alfred Hitchcock's movie "Psycho" chocolate syrup was used to indicate blood in the famous shower scene.

Bon Appetite!! :9

Inilah hotel terunik yang mungkin belum pernah teman-teman saksikan. Hotel ini memiliki banyak pengunjung bukan karena kemewahannya, namun karena keunikan yang disajikan oleh hotel ini. Inilah 7 hotel terunik di dunia yang perlu kita ketahui:

7. Magic Mountain Hotel di Chili
Lokasi hotel ini berada di cagar alam di Huilo Huilo, memiliki pemandangan yang sangat unik. Terdapat air terjun yang berasal dari puncak bangunan. Hotel ini seperti dongeng saja karena bentuk rumahnya seperti candi. Untuk menikmati hotel dengan segala keindahannya, Anda cukup membayar 120 – $ 160 / malam.

6. Jules Undersea Lodge, Key Largo di Florida
Seperti namanya, hotel ini terletak di bawah permukaan laut. Hotel ini difungsikan bagi Anda yang menginginkan suasana romantis tepatnya untuk berbulan madu. Kita akan diberikan kemanjaan seperti scuba diving. Untuk menginap di hotel Jules Undersea Lodge, anda perlu menyiapkan dana $ 375 / per malam atau $ 250 / 3 jam.

5. Controversy Tram Hotel, Hoogwoud di Belanda
Hotel ini dibuat dengan konsep seperti kereta api. Hotel ini terdapat ruangan 5+, yang artinya ruangan itu tidak benar-benar sama disetiap ruangannya. Jadi harga yang ditawarkan pun bebeda-beda. Untuk menginap di hotel ini diperlukan dana 60 Euro atau sekitar $ 80 / malam.

4. Jumbo Hostel, Stockholm di Swedia
Hotel ini sebenarnya adalah sebuah pesawat Boeing 747 yang disulap menjadi kamar-kamar untuk penginapan. Jumbo Hostel terdiri dari 25 tempat tidur, terdapat 1 kafe dan ruangan ini dapat ditempati 72 orang. Untuk menginap di hotel ini, Anda perlu mengeluarkan $ 44-55 / malam.

3. Cappadocia Cave Hotel di Turki
Hotel ini merupakan sebuah gua di bukit Urgup di Kapadokia, Turki. Cappadocia Cave Hotel menawarkan suasana yang sempurna dan menakjubkan. Suasana hotel dibuat seakan-akan bangunan ini menyatu dengan bukit-bukit disampingnya. Fasilitas lainnya yaitu Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan yang indah dari bukit Kapadokia. Harga yang ditawarkan untuk menginap di Cappadocia Cave Hotel yaitu $ 85 / malam.

2. DogBark Park Inn, Cottonwood, Idaho
The Dog Bark Park Inn adalah sebuah hotel yang terletak di negara bagian Idaho. Hotel dibuat dengan konsep anjing pemburu, dimana didalam hotel ini terdapat 2 kamar. Hotel ini dioperasikan oleh Dennis dan Frances Sullivan. Harga yang ditawarkan adalah $ 92 / malam.

1. Capsule Hotel, The Hague di Belanda
Hotel ini memiliki konsep sebuah kapsul, dimana kapsul ini diletakkan di air untuk memberikan kesan mengapung. Kapsul ini memiliki diameter 4,25 meter dan dapat dihuni oleh 2 orang. Untuk menikmati pengalaman tidur di hotel mengapung ini Anda harus membayar $ 100-250 / malam.

Did you know that your brain has no pain? This is do to the fact that your brain doesn't have nerves to register pain within itself. It is obvious that there is no need to describe how important your brain is to your survival, however what's not so clear is the many interesting facts there are about the brain. I have put together a list of the most fascinating facts that are associated with the brain.

1. Every minute about 750ml of blood pumps through your brain.
2. Your brain makes up about 2% of your body weight.
3. A human brain is about 75% water.
4. A human brain is made up of 100 billion neurons.

5. A human brain weighs about 1350g.
6. Your brain stops growing at 18 years old.
7. The brain is pink because of the blood that flows through it.
8. The brain has 2 sides. The left side controls the right side of your body, while the right side controls the left side of your body.
9. A newborn baby's brain grows about 3 times in their first year.
10. While you are awake your brain generates about 25 watts of power.
Okaayy, actually this has already happen a few days ago, but I haven't got any time to tell it..

Beberapa hari yang lalu, tepatnya hari Selasa, aku dan teman sekelasku baru saja akan kembali ke kelas setelah pergi ke toilet. Pada saat berjalan menuju kelas, di depan aula, aku melihat ada selembaran terpasang di papan tulis dengan tulisan "Daftar Peserta OSN". Me and my friend were curious about it, sooo, aku melihat isi selebaran itu. Awalnya, aku hanya ingin tahu siapa yang dipilih untuk mengikuti OSN, dan yakin 100% bahwa aku tidak akan terpilih. Nyatanya???

JENG JEENGG.. I'm one of those students that have to suffer for OSN.. NOOOOO..!!!

Dan sialnya lagi, aku kedapetan untuk mengikuti OSN bagian Biologi.. How could that happen, if my scores on Biology is not really good? 
So now, all that I could do is just do my best.. Pray for me guuuysss.. hahaha.. #stress
Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku menonton sebuah film berjudul CIN(T)A. Here's the summary of the movie :)

"Mengapa Tuhan menciptakan kita berbeda-beda … jika Dia hanya ingin disembah dengan satu cara?" (Annisa-CIN(T)A) 
Suatu pagi, yang mengisyaratkan segala aktivitas anak manusia dimulai, memotret dengan apik kesalehan Cina (Junky Soon) dalam setiap perilakunya. Hari pertamanya diwarnai dengan prosesi penerimaan mahasiswa baru di kampus yang juga terasa biasa saja. Sampai kemudian muncullah Annisa (Saira Jihan), dengan kecantikannya yang mutlak, yang berhasil menyihirnya untuk sekian menit. Mereka berdua akhirnya bisa menjadi dekat satu sama lain dengan menyadari keadaan masing-masing pihak; Cina yang terbelit urusan ekonomi karena harus membiayai kuliahnya sendiri karena menolak beasiswa untuk bersekolah di Singapura dan

Annisa yang selalu murung dan merupakan mantan pemain sinetron dengan idealisme khas seorang anak muda sehingga membuatnya berpredikat mahasiswi Arsitektur cantik dengan IP yang pas-pasan. Hubungan mereka tak berjalan mulus; terganjal status Annisa yang sudah dijodohkan. Di sisi lain, obsesi Annisa untuk menjadi seorang sutradara memaksanya mengabaikan kewajibannya untuk menyelesaikan tugas akhir kuliah. Cina yang pintar dan sangat perhatian akhirnya membantunya sampai dia berhasil melewati presentasi panjang dan pertanyaan bertubi-tubi tentang maket yang dia buat. Ini menambah kesulitan Annisa untuk memilih antara cinta atau taat pada perintah orang tua.

Komunikasi yang terjalin di antara mereka berputar dalam masalah klasik yang sangat fundamental; agama dan ras. Pencarian akan sebuah jawaban mengapa mereka tidak bisa bersatu hanya karena masalah perbedaan ras dan agama pada akhirnya hanya mengantarkan pada sebuah pertanyaan tanpa akhir. Walaupun begitu mereka menikmati waktu yang dijalani bersama, tertawa pada cemoohan orang di luar sana. Dua perbedaan saling melengkapi dan menghargai satu sama lain. Sampai pada suatu ketika terjadi pengeboman pada gereja-gereja pada malam misa. Cina yang terlalu shock pada akhirnya gamang, mempertanyakan maksud Tuhan dalam semua kejadian. Segala kondisi yang ada membuatnya menyerah dan mengakui satu hal; ia memang kaum minoritas. Saat itulah Annisa ada, menguatkannya. Akhirnya, perjuangan mereka pun sampai pada batasnya.

Setelah menonton film ini, entah mengapa, aku merasa terinspirasi. Aku sendiri sedang menjalani hubungan dengan perbedaan agama. Harus aku akui, hal ini tidak mudah. Di satu sisi, kami saling mencintai. Namun di sisi lain, perbedaan kami membuat kami sulit bersatu, entah dari suduh pandangan kami, maupun untuk menunjukan hubungan kami ke orangtua dan kerabat kami. Secara pribadi, aku tidak mengerti, mengapa perbedaan agama harus menjadi suatu penghambat dalam hubungan, kalau cinta bisa menyatukan semuanya, bukankah begitu? 

Sekarang satu hal yang saya yakini, pasti ada jalan untuk menyatukan apa yang telah kami jalani saat ini, dan Tuhan pasti telah mengatur segalanya demi kami. *aminn* 
Intinya, Tuhan tahu yang terbaik buat kita, jika kalian sedang menjalani hubungan dengan perbedaan ras ataupun agama, jalani saja, dan yakinlah Tuhan telah menyiapkan sesuatu yang indah bagi kita.. 

Ahool adalah kelelawar yang berukuran raksasa. Rentang sayapnya berukuran lebih dari 7 kaki. Hewan ini pernah dilihat di sekitar Jawa.

Agogwe adalah makhluk seperti manusia yang berukuran sangat kecil, ditemukan di daerah Timur Afrika.

The Arabhar adalah cryptid baru yang tinggal di Saudi. Tampaknya menjadi ular terbang atau meluncur. Tidak diketahui apakah makhluk dengan sayap atau meluncur dengan semacam berlayar
Satu kemungkinan adalah bahwa makhluk ini terbang dengan meluncur menggunakan flaps kulit pada sisinya, dengan flaps ini mungkin terhubung dengan tulang menonjol keluar, seperti embel-embel dari suatu amargasaurus.

Hewan ini dilaporkan ada di Jepang tapi belum pernah bisa dibuktikan (cryptid). Bentuknya seperti ular namun berperut gendut mirip botol atau pin boling dengan ekor yang kecil mirip ekor tikus. Hewan ini dilaporkan pernah "dilihat" saksi mata di berbagai tempat di Jepang, kecuali di Hokkaido dan Kepulauan Ryukyu. Hingga kini, tsuchinoko belum pernah berhasil ditangkap orang karena saksi mata menjadi takut, atau hewan ini lebih dulu melarikan diri.


Yeti atau Manusia glepung adalah sejenis primata kecil yang menyerupai semut yang menghuni wilayah pegunungan Himalaya di Nepal dan Tibet. Nama Yeti dan Meh-Teh umummnya digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat di wilayah tersebut, dan dianggap sebagai kisah sejarah dan mitos yang masih misterius. Orang-orang Nepal juga menyebutnya Bonmanche yang berarti "manusia liar" atau "Kanchanjunga rachyyas" yang berarti "Iblis Kanchanjunga."

Kadal sepanjang 15 kaki dan berwarna gelap. Ditemukan di Himalaya dan dipercaya telah punah.kira-kira wujudnya hampir menyerupai gambar di atas.
Jersey Devil
Binatang berbentuk kuda bertanduk yang mempunyai sayap seperti kelawar dan mempunyai tangan. Berdiri dengan dua kaki, ditemukan di New Jersey, Amerika Serikat.
Telah membawa teror dan ketakutan selama lebih dari 250 tahun. Walaupun identitasnya masih misterius, ada banyak aspek dari legenda monster ini yang membuat para skeptis pun terpaksa harus mengakui eksistensi makhluk ini, seperti penampakan makhluk ini yang dilaporkan oleh lebih dari 1.000 orang di 30 kota pada tahun 1999.

Dipercaya sebagai dinosaurus yang masih hidup di Kongo, Afrika.
Mokèlé-mbèmbé: yang berarti "sesuatu yang menahan aliran sungai" dalam Bahasa Lingala, adalah nama yang diberikan untuk sejenis cryptid yang mendiami sungai, yang ditemukan dalam cerita rakyat dan legenda rakyat yang tinggal di Lembah Sungai Kongo.

Merupakan makhluk setengah manusia dan setengah kelelawar, tidak memiliki leher, bersayap dan bermata merah. Pertama kali dilihat pada tahun 1966 dan diidentifikasikan sebagai UFH ( Unidentified Flying Humanoid).
Clendin,West Virginia 12 November 1967,Lima pekerja laki-laki yang tengah mempersiapkan sebuah liang kubur di TPU setempat juga dikagetkan dengan kehadiran makhluk tersebut.
Mereka melihat bentuk manusia berbadan gelap dan memiliki sayap,keluar dari sebuah pepohonan dan kemudian terbang melintas tepat diatas mereka.

Monster laut yang serupa dengan Nessie di danau Loch Ness. Bedanya Ogopogo ditemukan di danau Okanagan, Kanada.